NSW Council

Rules & Rule Changes

 2024-2025 APBA Rule Book V24-1.0

Updated September 2024

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Leaded Fuel Memo in PDF

NSW APBA specific rules implemented from 2020 - 2021.

Memo 25022020 in PDF

 At the National Meeting on Sunday 23rd February, 2020 there were 2 Rule Changes that were discussed and agreed that even though Rule Changes cannot be accepted from State Councils and Clubs for a period of 2 years due the Rule Book being Frozen, changes made to the 2 following Rules were deemed as Safety Improvements, therefore discussed and moved by our National Safety Officer. The Outcome were as followed :

804 - Hulls and Machinery

804.26 - For Inboard Displacement & Drag Section Displacement Classes – All Boats must be fitted with a ratchet-style gearbox release or free wheeling release, similar to an Algon/Stellings release, on the propeller shaft or gearbox output shaft.

1800 – Vintage / Veteran Rules

1804.1 The APBA Group 800 Safety Rules and the following safety matters apply to boats being put on the water. Boats not exceeding 75mph are exempt from Rule 804.26

These were voted on by the National Executives and Delegates at the meeting and were passed at 80% for the changes and 20% against or abstained from voting. Therefore they were passed due to Safety Concerns.